What Is Life?


United States
33° 0' 9.4068" N, 79° 59' 51.3312" W

What is life...
Life is what you make it out to be
Life can be changed by you or me
What is life...
Life is a chance for success
Life is an abundance of stress
What is life...
Life is a baby being born
Life is family being torn
What is life...
Life is a nightmare
Life, something to share
What is life...
Life is thugs in a hood
Life is misunderstood
What is life...
Life is a solider coming home
Life is taking shots to the dome
What is life...
Life is broken hearts and dreams
Life is NBA and NFL teams
What is life...
Life is homeless people on a street
Life is a game we are all trying to beat
What is life...
Life is full of gain
Life is full of pain
What is life...
Life is a dog being abandoned
Life is employees being commanded
What is life...
Life is mid 20's lovers getting married
Life is mid 70's lovers being buried
What is life...
Life is life
There is no answer or solution
Live life to the fullest because tomorrow it could be
What is Death?


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If you ever need help or support, we trust CrisisTextline.org for people dealing with depression. Text HOME to 741741