What If..

<Sept. 2013>

I think about him all the time,

he is the 1st thing in think of when i wake up and the last thing as i fall asleep,

the thought of him and i being in the same space leaves a smile of my face,

i know im only 16 years old and have a while left to live, and a lot of people to meet but

What if...

I dream about him and i dancing on our hill overlooking anything,

but i know there  is only a small chance of the happening because, we live 557 miles away from each other.

I am always afraid of him waking up one day and not feeling the same for me anymore.

I can feel my feelings for him fading and 

I cant stand it!

I just want, more than anything, to see him again.

I have the money..

I want to feel his  hands around my waist like he once did,

that is where i felt at home,

or when he promise me a dance and

he said he will always owe me a dance,

or how he would do anything in his power to make me feel safe,

what if..





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