What Do You Know About Me?

What do you know about me?

The countless lashes worn on a soul so battered and bruised it has nowhere to go. You ask about my future as if I have a clue, what about my future what does it mean to you? The road to recovery is laced with pain, slick like ice, soulless impossible to abstain, But we all try don’t we, to cover our scars so we can walk out on the street and seem “normal”. But men without scars have no story to their bodies. We all trod along in the matrix of daily routine, The person you are is not the person I’ve seen.


What do you know about me?

Lazy a worker with no motivation, he has no goals before him only desolation. I came to your house as a child to play, only now to arrive at the door and be turned away. But I promise to fight on for a short life is too long. College plans and minivans circle around the closed gates of my ever so lucid mind. “How hard can it be, I mean you don't even have to leave the house?” they yell as I circle around like a mouse. Begging for the bread crumb that is understanding, of the struggles and troubles that are withheld from your planning.


What do you know about me?

Have you seen with your eyes what i’ve seen with mine, if so why do suggest my essence is divine. Demons and devils plague my heart; its been hard from the start. “But its only two courses several hours a day” please refrain from deeming me insane when I say Its like putting a man with aerophobia on a plane. But try I must for I don’t know, Is it easy, will my brains and trust show.


What do you know about me?

Is your mind lucid and free from chains, Do you listen to the homilies and sing with the refrains? Is this a church or a house of god, for I see a big difference when the people in the pews applaud? Why can’t I be like the robots I see all around, buzzing here and there with beer and beautiful hair, but heaven forbid I say something profound. “How dare you tell me not to drug, How dare you tell my prayer is false. How dare you question me when my alcohol has near taken my pulse?”


What do you know about me?

“Lets talk about college you see and other superficial things that don’t bother me! I don't want to speak of mental illness whenever you bring it up the dining room is filled with stillness.” They see me as they want to see but their view of potential is different than what I want to be. Make money and acquire women seems to be the motto, but what about the poor girl that cuts her wrist because mom didn’t win the lotto. We have become so numb to what we say, but in the meantime when someone says something profound we lock them away.


What do you know about me?

While I certainly don’t know but you will have no control over the man I'm going to be!


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