What to Change?
What to Change?
What would I change may you ask many have ask the same with me and the same answers being given.
What would I change what would you do would you change the past the present or even the future if you could would you change war, death, or hunger.
There are too many things to add do list of what would you change to only change one thing. One great person once said to make a change you must first change your self first.
There are many answers to that simple question and many people go over themselves to find it the right answer to if they could change just one thing.
The world is always changing the change can be big or it can be small but things rarely stay the same anything you change can change back or is it something completely different in the blink off an eye and we often change with it.
Change is a part of life is gentle and cruel at the same time. The world isn't perfect that's why things change for that we can try the best we can to make this world more beautiful.
So what what I change?
Not a thing cause everything and every change that the world went through made me who I am today and to change something will be to change myself and I'm perfectly happy with how I came out.