What is Black History?
Black History. An idea of substance, of value, of culture.
But some prefer to see it upside down instead of right side up.
Violence, discrimination, hatred, unjust laws seem to be our new culture.
But no. I am not going to allow that in my generation, my future.
Black History is my history.
As a young girl, I used to be fooled by this foolishness of
accepting life’s downs, instead of standing my
ground, and being proud of not who I was,
but who I am and who I will be.
(What are my dreams, you ask?)
Well, I am a brown girl dreaming,
Of graduating high school, then college
Not to make collages, but to create,
to innovate, to start MY future on a clean
Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X may have had different views of civil rights,
But you can definitely bet on they had one goal in mind.
All this talk about where you came from,
It is crystal clear to me
Black History is my history.
Another thing, people seem to have a hard time grasping this idea.
Race and black history have different meanings.
A select few name it as an uncivilized, irrational group.
Well, I name it as the most civilized, rational group there ever was.
George Washington Carver, Mae Jemison, Thurgood Marshall
Langston Hughes, Madam CJ Walker, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman
All of these and more are leaders and their impact on me?
Well, let’s just say I sure would not be a young African AMERICAN woman going to a college prep high school AND pursuing engineering now would I?
All this disagreement about “Black Lives Matter”
And African Americans targeted for leaving out all other races
To become a new movement, “All Lives Matter”
When is society going to get it through their God given minds
This movement is NOT putting others down and saying we are the greatest,
But the movement to encourage that we in our history have been oppressed so much
That we can’t just exercise our Constitutional rights???
Black History: my past, my present my future.
Worked and working double than your “average American”
Well, one thing, opportunities don’t come easy as one would expect for people pegged like me.
Another thing, I am female and proud but yet that has its challenges also.
But hey, I know my History, my culture, my value, how about you?