What attitude?
So me not wanting ice cream means I have an attitude..right?
Me not wanting to be anywhere near you
after you lied through your teeth about me, counts as an attitude?
Me being treated like dirt and then treating you the same way...
I didn’t want ice cream because I felt sick.
I don’t want to be near you because you treat me like I’m a maid.
I ignore your request to cook something at 5:34 pm because you’ll be eating
at 10:44.... and because you ignored my request to take out the dog and let him shit on the floor.
So now I’m the bad guy? Cool.
I’ll treat you the same way you treat me.
Shall I also change my name to Cinderella while I’m at it?
And yet all I hear is “ She just got an attitude.”
You treat me like the dirt beneath your feet and don’t expect that?
I want to do homework and yet here I am, sitting through a movie I don’t want to see.
I want to a simple beach trip and yet here I am... watching you sift through fabric.
I want to sleep and yet here I am walking through DC with you.
And the first thing I hear is “ She still got an attitude.”
I’m just giving back what I received.