We're on the Same Boat


United States
36° 43' 38.0784" N, 121° 38' 22.9848" W

Life is like a boat.
Sometimes you paddle to the right, sometimes to the left, and sometimes you're stuck in the middle.
We don't know where to go. We don't know where to paddle.
Feelings of loneliness and depression; head bows down, shoulders shrink, eyes fall to the ground.
Possibilities are limited.
Surrounded by vast blue nothingness as your heart feels emptyness.
Learn, mold ideas, build them, grow, mature, change.
Love, share, smile, hope, laughter.
You and I, worlds apart.
Different religion, race, culture, and backgrounds.
We all have struggles, obstacles, and moments of overcoming.
Think, plan, do, and become.
We are on the same boat.
Live it, don't deny it. Accept it, cherish it.
Then you will know where to paddle, where to go.


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If you ever need help or support, we trust CrisisTextline.org for people dealing with depression. Text HOME to 741741