A Week Of Procrastination
Dearest Essay,
A week ago Monday
I said I'd write every day.
I really meant to.
Life happened;
I was busy.
I started you,
Well, it was more of an outline,
But better than nothing, I guess.
I looked at the outline a few times,
contemplating what to say
And how to say it.
I looked for examples.
I decided to go to bed.
The next day,
I was tired,
So I ignored you.
That was not the best idea;
I know that now.
The day after that,
I stayed up late
Doing calculus
And watching tv.
I should have wrote.
I did have time,
But I did not keep my promise.
The next night,
Instead of writing,
I talked to my friends
At a yearbook meeting,
At play practice,
And in the gym.
I spent time studying,
And writing something else
For fun.
Friday came next.
It was the weekend,
And I took a break.
I went to yearbook again
And wrote an assignment
For my hebrew teacher
Due a week from then
And not you.
The weekend ended,
And it is Monday
I am busy,
Life happens.
I do not have time.
I did not write this week,
Not even once,
Even though I promised.
It is midnight,
And I am tiered.
I need to go to bed,
And you are due