The Wealthiest of Affections

We came together and I could only sit back in awe 
Gaping at the marvelous sight that I saw 
Dozens gathers all with the same nose, eyes, and ears 

Smiling into the faces of those I know 
The light-hearted atmosphere continued to grow 
And then I became enlightened with the truth 

Shame on me, I’m quite the disgrace 
I wasn’t familiar with everyone’s face 
Who am I to pretend as if I’m actually intertwined? 

Eyes cast down I walked down the hall 
Into a room a people I didn’t know at all 
And found myself enveloped with several unknown colognes 

One after one displayed a wealth of affection 
And in us slowly, built up a connection 
Bringing down the walls and assumptions that I’d made 

This is my family, of them I am proud 
Embracing the power that God hath endowed 
Acknowledging every person in the room as mine 

Never had it dawned on me that I was so rich 
The idea struck me suddenly and without a stitch 
And quickly , I ratified my new found wealth 

I have dozens of people with sepia skin 
Whose love for me will never wear thin 
And each passing member shines brighter than any pot of gold 

Those with waves of stories in their wise visage 
Define the trunk of a leafy collage 
Educating their kin on expansive history 

They introduce me to cousins as they pass by 
Encouraging us all to reunify 
Rekindling the fire before it withers to zilch 

Do not break the puzzle we as a family just solved 
By keeping your distance and refusing to call 
As we should be a priority in each of our minds 

Take into consideration the worth of love 
Put value on those who are there when push comes to shove 
And remember this day, when you were reminded of your wealth


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