The way of the righteous one-from the book of Psalm
Bless is the man
who walks in the way of the righteous one
who doesn't walk in way of the ungodly
who doesn't engage to sinful
nor associate with scornful people
whose intention are to steal, kill, and destroy
but his delight is the foundation of God
from the Old Testament law to the New Testament commands
as he meditates day and night of Your words
he will flourish like a seed planted
that grows up and extends
the branches expands and never withers away nor falling apart where it is extinct
to the point, it doesn't exist anymor
in all he does, he shall prosper in the name of Jesus Christ 🙏🏾
the ungodly will not soar , it dies down
with no remembrance
like the chaff, the wind drives it away to the sea
where it won't be found
therefore, the ungodly have no business
making judgements
nor godly wannabes in the congregation praising with their mouths
but their action speaks of the evil one
The Lord knows who are the true righteous ones
but the way of the ungodly shall perish where your legacy was forgotten