Watch Your Words
Does anyone realize
Repetitions of words
Don’t mean a thing,
Nor does a constant snapping
As attention grabbing,
Or a fake smile
As a natural hairstyle?
If you were named
A teacher you claimed
Then why can’t you preach
What it really means to “teach.”
A friend once told you,
“I’ll never tell,
I promise,”
A tie one can’t undo,
But when that secret
Is broken and breaks your spirit,
Your world is crushed
With dignity at its core,
All that can be returned
Only ends with “Sorry.”
Let’s take a moment
To the place without boundaries,
Where the only thing owned is memories,
Where you can take
Without need to say, “My mistake,”
Hearts can be played,
Beatings cannot be forbade,
Virginity is not a word,
And most of all,
Love means nothing.
But wait that place is real,
As real as the feelings I feel,
I know I am alive,
I am a human being,
Words hurt and they are alive,
So choose wisely before you archive
Untrue things into others’ minds,
Why don’t we trust each other?
Maybe it’s because our words are false,
As false as the smiles we put on,
Or the promises we lied about.
Everyone is different,
We all can see,
But name-calling
Is worse than it should be,
Know that words hurt,
They send people under the dirt,
So just think,
Maybe if the world,
Did more of thinking
Before speaking,
Or learned,
Before they earned
Any type of accolades
For what their words
Had spoken.