Watch Me
A great man once said,
"I will show you how great I am."
That man’s electric tongue and
thunderous achievements
acted as an inspiration to all African Americans,
showing there was more to life than just being free.
That man looked similar to me.
Exposing me to how extraordinary I could be.
Many may wonder where my inspiration lies.
How a man such as I can strive?
Well if you look into my eyes
you will see
determination and guts
and an unconquerable desire for glory;
just like the greatest.... Muhammad Ali
Greatness does not come easy,
and he sure set the bar extremely high.
But I have a competitive spirit
and don’t believe in the word “try.”
So if he “can float like a butterfly;”
I can “sting like a bee.”
Watch Me!
If, even in the face of jail, this man can stand and fight
for that which he believes
Watch Me!
If this man can stand toe to toe with Sunny Liston
when everyone says he’ll surely be defeated
Watch Me!
If this man can cast away his name
and endure public scrutiny
Watch me!
I may have never wrestled an alligator or
done tussled with a whale.
I’ve never handcuffed lightening or
thrown thunder in jail.
And surely I’m not so mean
I’ve made medicine sick
But watch me!
Every time I face adversity
and "I know you got him picked,"
I'm going to roll up my sleeve and get down to the grit.
I won't let anything take away my moment to shine
I stand at the doorway of greatness
and nothing will keep me for crossing this precipice.
Watch me!
-Jordan Hinton