
Thu, 01/16/2014 - 22:41 -- ohioasp
Drowning boy in the lake is struggling.
Hide behind your fear of oblivion.
As you stand on the edge doing nothing.
The tight little world in which your living-
Whole expansive globe out of proportion-
Drowning boy in the lake is struggling.
When did you last discover lungs breathing?
Let your brain escape the box of caution
As you stand on the edge doing nothing.
Don't give, don't wonder: your routine living
A continent away- not worth mention-
Drowning boy in the lake is struggling.
Beneath glass, can you feel your skin aging?
Rotting inside your crystalline prison
As you stand on the edge doing nothing.
Sit in your tower- Prufrockian king.
Shattered queen judges what you haven't done.
Drowning boy in the lake is struggling
As you stand on the edge doing nothing.
This poem is about: 
Our world


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