Was it really love?

I lay in tears

Stay in locked doors

Knowing that I lost myself

In a search for an illusion

A passing cloud

It was all a mirage

And now here I am

Wondering why I fell victim


I was in a search for love

For happiness

But all you wanted was bliss


Somebody by your side


Now here I am

Beating myself up

Trying to piece together the last of my pieces

While you are outside

Drinking your regrets away

But who is to blame?

For your poor decisions

Or are they mine?

Since you blame me for them



Now it’s a war

A war between forgetting and getting over it

And I’m not just lost,

I’m cold


My feelings numb

But the pain, paralyzing


Double incisions

Stitched across my heart

Hands across my chest

Holding my broken soul

Hoping you’ll come to your senses

Remember your promises

Your vows

And how much we put into it before it all crashed


Maybe it’s not our fault

We were just young and dumb

And that’s why we hit a berg

But boy we messed up

And here I bear the fruit

The fruit of what we thought was love


Now I don’t believe in love

Cause even salt looks like sugar

And in a world so cruel

Lust is labeled as love

Or does love not exist?



This poem is about: 
Our world


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