Why do we fight?
People, always fighting.
We're just one species, in a way, one race,
We're people, humans, homo sapiens and nothing more.
Whats the point in waging all these wars, all the fights, battles, and riots?
Do we have a need for bloodshed and gore? Nothing more?
To change this, that would be something worth fighting for.
Can there be fights without fighting? I actually think so.
Things that seperate us, can make us strong too.
Different ethnicity, race, or religion? Ok!
No need to fight about such things.
Yet the battles continue to occur.
If I could change one thing,
I would make it so,
So that the wars
Wouldn't have
To happen
At all.
In my own world, or at least if I were to make one change in to occur,
War would be, possibly, forbidden. All people would have to look past differences in gender, ethnicity, race, language, religion, and more.
Instead, we could pride ourselves on being who we are, without being shot down and thrown out the door.
To have equality among all, freedom and fairness among all without the constant pain and suffering caused by war.
That would be my greatest wish.
My greatest change to what we have now.
Why this and only this? Just a stop in war?
BECAUSE! Without war we can make changes to everything else in the world.
Without fighting, we can work towards the good, work together.
Put efforts into what we should.
Making sure everyone worked and that everyone had food.
Save endangered species, research what we please, continue to learn about whats out in the universe!
Pollution could subside, every country would be a first world country, with forests thriving where they should.
Humans could create more, make everything environment safe, not destroy everything from lack of care.
No more deforestization, pollution, or damage.
Technology would be more secure. We'd fix the problems that have been caused by putting efforts towards such things.
Not wage war.