The walls...
One job may change my life.. Any job can change my life. But I don't want any job, I wont settle for ANY job... My dream job may change my life. My dream job WILL change my life. Not only the money, but the satisfaction, the accomplishment, will change my life. I will overcome the history of my family, I will be the first to go straight to college, the first to break down the walls of poverty. The first to start my life new, the first to bring happiness not only to myself, but everyone who sees my work. I will fight uphill, break the walls, and shatter the chains of the old... Only to create a better world, not only for myself, but my family. One job may change my life, Any job can change my life. But I don't want just any job, I will not settle for ANY job, until my shangrila is complete... I WILL BREAK DOWN THE WALLS.