

United States
28° 5' 25.9152" N, 82° 1' 8.0976" W

Put up the walls
So many falls
Am I drowning
Are you frowning

I'm not ready
This is so heady
I like you a lot
How can I not

You are so sweet
So much heat
So much passion
And so handsome

Light in the dark
Can we just park
Keep this going
Are we growing

Is it to fast
Will it last
Forever and ever
Would be clever

Should Take it slow
Or go with the flow
My heart flutters
I can't even utter

Words I feel
Is it real
Is it to soon
Or are we in tune

I am scared
If you dared
To try hard
Take my guard

Take it down
Not going to drown
Can you show me
How its to be

Show me the way
No more delay
Unless you know better
Can we be together

Take it slow
For it to show
Take it fast
For it not to last

So many factors
I'm not a good actor
I'm going crazy
Lets not be hazy

I feel I'm falling
Not crawling
How do I go slow
For it to show

I am fragile
It might be a while
Until I'm ready
For this steady

you will wait
But if I'm late
How long
Till your gone....


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If you ever need help or support, we trust CrisisTextline.org for people dealing with depression. Text HOME to 741741