A wall(it was great) cough cough* The Great as in from China just read this...

We live in an abyss,

this ever-reaching void that has been created.

Created by what we call networks. But these,

these are anything but social. 

This abyss, 

a total lack of creativity that has been inflated.

It has been risen by TV, video games, but most of all...

the complete failure of society.

We have created this abyss,

it is our only escape from the constant noise.

It is our escape from interaction, from love.

We are unable to just stop and think.

We no longer admire the fountain we just drink.

We can't appreciate it if it is little.

We need big macs, we need big screens.

We need these on our phones and our TV's. 

We have to over complicate everything.

There is now an ipad mini.

Nobody just looks at trees or mountains anymore.

So they are disappearing and making way,

making way for a new source of entertainment. 

Fast paced,

you have 4 minutes in between your classes,

now go run get there on time.

If you are late you risk detention,

usually a warning but possible suspension.

Whoops I forgot to mention...

That this is all a condition,

this is something that can be improved.

We need to love each other, forgive each other. 

WE as in we the people,

we had a dream, we built a wall(it was great), we made towers that fell but were rebuilt, we

persevered, we laughed, we cried, we     stand          together as one. 

Well, we use to.

But we can again, it just all depends upon you.

Will you take the time to place that phone in your pocket?

Will you say hi to the next person you see?

Will you hug a stranger if they are crying?

Will you love people?

People no matter their size, color, profession,

income, social status, or their past,

they are still people.

In the end that is what it comes down to.



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