

United States
45° 11' 27.0708" N, 93° 18' 2.6928" W

Spinning emotions,
My body so limp.
Want to scream,
Want to cry.
I can't,
Nothing comes out.
I give you my heart,
I give you my life.
You promise me love,
You call me your wife.
So why,
Why do you play these games?
I'm getting tired,
You have made me weak.
Excuses and lies,
Heartbreak and pain.
No point to live,
No point to laugh.
Try so hard to keep calm,
But you continue to bring the tears like rain.
Questions and confusion.
What should I do,
What do I want?
I cannot see,
You have made me lose sight.
My trust is gone,
I have put up a wall.
Can you break it down?
Will you be able to get to my heart?
I never thought you would bring me here,
Bring me down like this.
I'm scared to be near you,
That you will get in my head,
Catch me with your kiss.
I'm afraid this wall will never come down,
I must hide in the depths of my soul,
Try if you want but things will never be the same.


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