Walk into the Wilderness

I walked into the wilderness

don’t know exactly why I did

I turn around but no one is there

I think I’m alone

deeper i drift

dont know where i’m going

I turn around but i don’t see anything

am I in a forest?

why are there no trees?

am I in water?

It doesn’t feel wet nor am I drowning

I think i’m lost

I turn around and wonder

did I come from that direction?

I don’t see the sun

maybe its night

but I can see fine

what is this smell?

its stuffy

I turn around…

Why isn’t there anyone?

I’m pretty sure I was with a group

Why isn’t there anything?

where am I

I stop

no reason to go further

I’m lost

I’m alone

the air is thick

what should I do?

maybe I’ll sleep

yea I think I’ll sleep

sleep sounds good.


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