Six months it has been
I’ve been counting the days
Since the night when they came
And took us away
One way went my mother
The other my dad
All that was left was my brother
He was all that I had
Yelling and crashing and shoving and booms
Screaming and crying and heartache and wounds
No hope anymore, no attempts to escape
Couldn’t help but wonder
Why this was our fate
Hatred, despise, loathing, disgust
Mutual feelings between he and us
If there is someone to blame it’s the man with the stache
We should not suffer his hatred and wrath
My brother is gone; I’m all I’ve got now
With my faith and my pride
And the strength of my brow
I’ll make it I swear
There is no choice left
But to persevere, to stay strong
For the sake of the rest
The labor is hard, the hours are long
People are dying, but still we go on
Bodies are strewn - some still alive
Hearts barely beating, praying to die
The camps are horrendous
Immoral and sick
But to witness this death
Will haunt me as long as I live
Our aid will come
The answer to our prayers
No matter the torture they expect us to bear
The suffering will end
The pain will subside
And the nightmares will end
When it’s our turn to die