
You said to wait,
I stood in place,
Waiting for you,
Clouds gather over,
You far in the distance,
Lightening and wind,
No sign of your presence,
I stand in place,
Waiting for you,
When the sky tore,
My feet quaked,
A puddle grows,
I shiver in the cold,
Still empty horizon,
My faith falters,
Puddle rises to my knee,
In the terror I cry to the wind,
Praying it reaches you,
The growing puddle flows,
I stand in the middle of a river,
I stand in place,
Waiting for you,
I waver in the water,
Barely standing,
Glancing in the way you left,
No signs of your return,
Taking my life in my hands,
I turn around and swim,
No more waiting,
Lest I drown waiting for you,
As I emerge at the bank,
One last glance to where I stood,
There you are on the other side,
Your long awaited return,
But a river runs between us,
"Why are you impatient" your voice travelled across,
"Why are you late" I responded under my breath.


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