without meaning, my heart is confused before the malicious nature of humans.
without security, my determination for change is suppressed before the utopia of routine.
without beauty, my perspectives are pessimistic before the possibility of affliction.
Providing me with meaning, my mentality became vivid after the sound of your contagious laughter justified it all
Wrapping me with security, my aspirations came within reach after the light behind your eyes enlightened my own
Drowning me with beauty, my dauntlessness sprouted after your presence seemed sustainable
alone once again, my wits suddenly rebounded into confinement after your bearings are unclear
deprived, my boldness instantaneously shriveled after your presence was seemingly mislaid
impoverished, my liveliness instantly diminished after the truth of your intent was exposed
gazing into the empty reality
i saw more
assembling your brutal words
i heard more
contemplating our current state
i needed more.
finally convinced,
i condemn my heart to vulnerability.
ultimately determined,
i open my mind to the possibility of recovery.
definitively sure,
i tear down my wall.
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