Viewing The Gold

She’s at the top of the mountain they say, but

I’m down here waving at those further above me.

What I call average, others call outstanding.

They see me in a way I don’t.


Perspective is the key.


In my eyes I see:

A lazy bum who can’t pick up her own weight after a long brain exhausting day of school who has homework to do but will not do it till I get my rest and don’t forget to study for that one test that’s coming too soon to remember those facts you forgot oh so long ago.

How wonderful.

You can now find me in my bed snoring away my problems till I stay up all night the next day again to care again.


In their eyes they see:

A girl who has her life together! She does her work all the time. She never seems to give up! Not only is she really smart but also she has time to be both an artist and trombonist. Look at her go! She’s going to places!


They’re funny.

But are they really?


Surely I must be seeing things right.

I’m right and they are wrong.

It only matters what I think of myself.


But I’m wrong actually.





I do not give myself enough credit for what I do.

I’m creative.

I’m determined.

I’m responsible.

I’m hardworking.

I’m too blinded to admit saying all of this!


In the moment,

Their voices sound ridiculous complimenting me because

I only view it from my perspective.

I see myself stressing.

I see myself at my lowest state.

I see myself when I’m ready to give up.

I forget about why I’m doing this.

That finish golden product that I’ve worked on so long

Is what they see.

My amazing grades.

My joyful music.

My beautiful art.


In a world where you cannot see your perfection shine in you,

You always have others to remind you.

I thank them for this because in my new vision in life,

I am flawless.

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