Feel the vibe flowing through my veins
Opening a never-ending wealth of spiritual domain
So mentally taxing I can't help but wonder what will remain
Enough to make me insane and desire the rain
To put an end to such blissful pain
Wash away all that turns my thoughts a float
As if surrounded in a phosphorescent liquid coat
With a serrated edge in hand and mind not intact
A frightful situation unfolds, a reenactment of terrible proportions
The night freezes atomic movement and the moon glares vehemently
Visions cease to make sense
Deluded distortions commence
A nightmare dares to be told
Slowly, slowly, steady, steadier
Creeping, crawling, ready, ready
Near enough now a glint of steel
A cut so deep no noise dost reel
Out from the depths of the soul
For one will no longer be whole
Life's blood spills forth, a torrent of frustration
Desire to live torn from stalwart grip
Staring in despair at the puddle before as fluids go drip drip
How does one endure such devastation?
With anger, and an immeasurable desire for revenge as a new dedication
The killer grins, immersed in sin
Admiring his own evil whims, what fright!
Sinking back into the depths of darkness from whence he came
An abyssal dwelling void of light
There is no limit to his shame
Soul transverses from body
Rising slowly, slowly, steady, steadily
Growing, pulsating with potential
Darkness surrounds, an aura of revenge alters shape
Threatening to defile all that is sacred
There is no limit to this hatred
A demon turned from light stands anew
A single reason, a sole inspiration
With naught a heartbeat, only the will to impose a simple justice
That life is not to take, the deed must ensue
All manners of depravation I bequeath to you
An elemental foot makes contact with ground
A crack of thunder tears the sky in two
A piercing scream blocks out all sound
The killer's face turns blue
As the blood drains, a dark red hue
The deed is done, justice has been served
To take a life that was not his to take
What else did he deserve?
Now this hatred will not break
A demon roams the earth