Vegan's Lament

Bacteria, Amoeba

What disgusting creatures

Forest beings, forest fires

Homes destroyed

"Free to roam in the initial chaotic aftermath"

Who cares?

Your pet dog—so precious

But the fish, was it fed?

Oh well

It’s not cute and cuddly

Too expensive to keep

"I’m just hoping it will die"

Animal cruelty

Don’t hurt the puppies!

But that chicken on the farm

Will make a lovely lunch

What’s cute? What’s not?

Wouldn’t eat a darling Panda

Not a precious pup Fido

But that cow named Dinner?

Just for our consumption

Who gets to decide who lives, who dies?

Why are cows and pigs our dinner

But cats and dogs our pets?

The pig on the farm

The dog in our home

What’s the difference?

Who gets to decide?

Who gets to play god?

And is playing god

Our job to play?

We’re humans, we’re superior

We’re better than the rest—but why?

But why are we the ones

Who get to decide who lives and who dies?

The job is up to us

—Or at least we took it

Are our decisions right?

It’s "all the hypocrisy that comes

"with a seat at the top of the food chain"


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