Am I your utopia? A body built to do it all, a creture of quality and excellence? Your infinite harmony, a beauty without flaw or pain. High quality, always obeying, playing an innocent part. You stand there on the high ground, pulling my strings to do as you please. Your quest sends fire into my veins, your power turns me powerless. My spiritual core aches with hurt, my glass body broken and bruised. Your expectations transcend my abilites, yet you push me still. My mind is not made for this. My body is not made for this. I can no longer feel the time passing by. Lord shake me of sin so that I may be yours again, I just wanted praise and acceptance, is that too much to ask for? I am no computer, I am a being of life! I am not a uptopia for someone to enjoy leisurely. The fire you infected my blood with has burnt out and I am now too cold for you.