USURP... U-S-U-R-P To seize or execise authority or possession wrongfully, legally or by forceU= Understanding that i have inherited this dominioun when i wasnt part of  existence, you witnessed my creator establishing His monarchy through me,in the forbidden pitch-black, secluded space.Beguiled the other part of me, as ignorance snacthed whole the beauty and purpose of nature and war unraveled peace and caous reigned.  Now we have took our inhertitance, citernship and true identity to naught just like Esua who exchanged his soul for a warmmeal, as still nature witness you in the cold, dark,correpted space; cunningly steal the crown of glory away from adam.Nature yarns for the revelation of the true sons of God and knowledge filling whole world and the system encrypted with  true understanding of your cunning, beguiling, disguisting schemes. You are charged for treason, you are accusing the rightful heirs. USURP... U-S-U-R-P
To seize or execise authority or possession wrongfully, legally or by forceS= Serpant, a reptile that was named by God through authorized adam, found its purpose and yet its identity slipped away from its feet and 4 years you have been feared by man and try to defend your self from the judgement that you heard from the heavenly courts when your vulnerbablity yearned for recognition but you are now slidering in the wrong direction.You see, you tried to replicate the Most High while your self ambition negioted with  the third of the stars,your escalation to the throne was a way to find yourself bolted out from your own home and now you have made it paramount to kill the heavenly strucure,contiunly steal the devotion that is solely for the King and finally destroy its kingdom by making it self destruct... high white walls, windows, roof, departments... crumbling down as you can rise from the ashes and take preeminence hoping for the past worship to take place in the present as your future tightly wraps you in chains eternally drags you down to where you belong.For a repile that was once an admired species has now become one of your corrupted vessel. 
To seize or execise authority or possession wrongfully, legally or by forceU= Ur day of birth in this earth was heavenly witnessed by the heavens, rightous, clean, powerful hands fashioned you as you were pendingly, wonderfully shaped to the intent of displying God's existance,rightfully establishing his attributes,crushing the corruptful leaders that do not acknowledge the heavenly principal and declare: Thy Kingdom Come... Thy Will Be Done Here On Earth As It Is In Heaven!!As that repetedly recites it self in my heart and has lost its meaning alongside with my heavenly rights.Is there hope for my origanl identity to be restored?  USURP... U-S-U-R-P
To seize or execise authority or possession wrongfully, legally or by forceR= Rights and regulations inscribed in the tablets of stones,smashed on the ground day by day when am once again conned by my old nature and satan being the mastermind ready to accuse and righfullly take me as his while the tap on my shoulders and a soft whisper of true repentance trying to win me away from you.It is my right to pray, it is the only voluntrial communication i still have with my heavenly father.It is my right to establish Him... the truth,It is my right to know Him and to grow and take what is rightfully mine.So the word authorizes you... to remove your Spinster claws from the heirs of God.It is His right to  clothe us with the new man which is created by Him, in true righteousness and holiness. USURP... U-S-U-R-P
To seize or execise authority or possession wrongfully, legally or by forceP= Principles, Basic rules that control how the plan of God works have been converted and mascaraided to be your own intent, the world swayed by your have gotten the once stars to pre-maturedly doctrinate the innocent and bare beings,you see, these nothing new under the sun, everything that was once was has been recycled back to be rightfully used by the accused and all the weapons are against you.Wisdom is executing whats right and He will manifest Himself through us in the right time, to the principality as light exposing darkness. U-S-U-R-PTo seize or execise authority or possession wrongfully, legally or by forceUndersatnding the Serpant that has taken  Ur Rights in a illegal Principal,its about time that we voluntarialy step out from ignorance and take by force what belongs to us as heirs and use it in His guidence.  You illegally took away those that are not yours.

This poem is about: 
Our world




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