What’s wrong with me?
It’s a question we almost all ask.
Is it true we can be,
More than just an empty flask.
How are we so full of ourselves?
As if we were…
The only book on many shelves.
Everything else is just a blur.
The ice caps are melting into the sea.
The death toll is on the rise,
In animals and on the streets.
But No, we continue to ask,
What’s wrong with me?
When that’s not where the answer lies.
Yet, the question still repeats.
How can we not see
What’s right in front of our face?
We are going to go to war.
How can we be
In this arms race?
What’s wrong with me?
We ask every day.
It’s almost like,
We have nothing more to say.
What’s wrong with us?
It shows in everything.
We make no fuss
At the terror we Bring.
We are so busy.
We don’t pay attention,
When we do, we get dizzy.
We go without intervention.
And yet, It is so easy
To help with prevention.