Unwrapping the Truth of Music Education


United States
29° 36' 44.694" N, 95° 11' 24.4968" W
United States
47° 24' 42.0732" N, 122° 14' 42.5724" W

Throughout my years of learning music,
many students of the art never pursue it.
What used to be their heart and soul,
has now grown into something cold.
Pondering on the how and why
I’ve noticed the teachers standing by.
With their egos that stretch out from ear to ear,
is all they hear and gives their students fear.

Students never usually stand up against this matter
But my mother taught me “Stand up and climb the ladder.”
I’ve tried to uncover this mess
But all the principle said was “Thanks for coming, you tried your best”.
Still the music teachers spread their terrible habits that multiply like rabbits.
All I can do is sit and watch this terrible mess,
while our so called “teachers” pick their favorites and discard the rest.

After this experience I didn’t give up
High school was over and I’m now a college pup.
The professors exceeded my expectations
I was positive I was getting the best for my education.
They taught me the meaning of music and helped me create the true vision of the ideal Music Teacher
From these inspirations I myself wanted to follow in their footsteps.
The students need a teacher to be a mentor,
rather than an opponent of a matador.
I feel as if it is my duty to bring a new change
to make the public school’s music teachers rearrange.
Every year I get closer and closer
for the new age of teaching like our great composers.



A poem dedicated to the music teachers that have demoralized any student they have taught.

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