Untitled (September 2014)
Whether or not I pray to a God is none of your concern
Whether or not I pray to multiple gods is also none of your concern
whether I believe in the vast nothingness or look to the sky and see angels coming down is none of your concern
My faith is my own, and I care not what you think of it
Whether or not I wrestle with my faith is none of your concern
Whether or not I lose my faith is none of your concern
Whether or not I fall to my knees screaming and begging for forgiveness in the dark of night is none of your concern
My journey of faith and religion is none but my own
It is easy to debate whether something is out there in the vast nothingness of space
But for some reason agreeing that there is a vast nothingness seems to be the majority these days
Is this something inherently wrong with me believing in a God?
Is there something inherently wrong with the journey of faith I've taken these past 20 years of my life?
The answer of course is a definitive no
Regardless of what you might hear on the television or on the Internet
There is nothing wrong with believing in a God
Or gods
Or spirits
Or anything
So long as it gives you the proper purpose in life and helps you move on
My journey of faith is mine and mine alone
And I have lost my faith many times
But in my search I find moments of clarity and peace
Clarity and peace that I cannot explain through proper means and attribute to a higher power
There is nothing dangerous about that
What is dangerous is that of a closed mind
But you already know that
So why is the closed mindset still so prevalent?
Because it is easier than testing the waters of your faith
What you believe in is none of my concern
But I implore you
Test the waters
Because regardless of the outcome the journey alone will be worth it
Because in the end
Whether or not you believe is no one else's concern but yourself