
She could listen for hours on end, listening to him rant about his day, the good and the bad. Yet, in the end she was alone, she never truly told him how she felt, now she watched him leave happier than she found him. Three simple words that carry the weight of the world, and she couldnt utter one as he walked out that door. He left her there, alone to her thought, she found solace in everything around her, or rather everything that reminded her of him. She spent days just laying in her bed listening to playlist after playlist waiting, hoping, praying that maybe one day he would say those words to her... but in his eyes, she was still a child, someone who was immature. Behind closed doors, she was someone who matured off of pain, she acted as a child with friends, because they understood her ghosts, haunting things she never spoke of, things that stopped her everytime from saying those three words to them. What else was she to do? She was afraid, afraid of what they would say. Years of unspoken pain and trauma came flooding out the day he left, and they did not judge, instead they held her tight, mended her heart, and saved her from the dark. It was that day, she said, "I love you".


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