Unnatural Love
Come with me my friend
to a place where chimneys stack & stretch high
against an expansive black sky
Where three-legged laboradors run free
through the busy wild streets
and dreams grow like mustard and roses
in and between stony foot-trails
I'll hold your hand as we gaze
upon yards glittering with glass
shining in fragments like the hopes
of a toiling human class
We'll have our own paradise-- you and I,
And I'll gaze into your squinting eye
as a million watts of light
burn like our passion in the bright and starless night.
I shall caress your face as we sustain our embrace
with only oil and carborator fluid
between our one self
and a man-made earth.
and when we dip in a warm sewage bath
we will only hear our laughs and the splash of a babling canal
You will be my only. Forever.
My lover and closest gal.
We can peer down from landfills
miles above a forgotten world
on a world that was taken by storm
until intelligence was purged and PROGRESS was hurled
Then when we unlock the secrets
of the crows and ducks and bees
You'll understand my mantra:
"Our world, it needs not trees"