Unlimited, Clean, Sustainable Energy

Fri, 02/07/2014 - 05:49 -- MorkEd
The power to overcome all.
Will powers superheroes.
Not like Hal Jordan but people like Michael Jordan.
Will made Michael Jordan win 6 rings.
Will made Martin Luther King Jr encase himself in history.
Will made this fucking poem.
Will made that serial killer take a life.
Will made you love.
Will made you hate.
Will leads to all emotions.
Will made you wake up and finish your day.
Will made you smoke that blunt.
That blunt was your will to finish the day.
Without will.. There is would.
Where would we be as human beings?
Where would you be?
What would you have become?
What would your family have come to?
Will reaches across all emotions.
Will made the human fucking being.


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