

United States
46° 27' 4.5576" N, 87° 32' 3.2352" W
"This microscopic love has no end. Similar to when someone looks into a telescope and sees a countless amount of stars. This love is an unbalanced equator. The sun chooses to overpower the moon in the day, and in the night, the moon overpowers the sun. There is never a period in time where both are shining, or are in-synced. That's the way it works. This unbalance is what creates a balance. And I can always compare us to the earths atmosphere but at the end of the day, I am a broken sun, and the world does not revolve around me. In this love, I try to bring light but I find that I only burn everything I kiss. My fingertips create ash with every touch and my words are always fire. You are the broken moon and when the night time comes you shine just enough for me to see through the cracks of the dark. We only wish to be the universe, but we are only the disoriented version of it. We will never be the stars, we will never be the galaxies. We will always be broken, but our love will always flow, night after night, day after day. We are the broken universe. This is how we work."
We work in this broken way and I don't know if we will ever be fixed 


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