Unity of A Community
No matter if the world was round or square
We sat on a table or ate in a chair
Wouldn’t really matter if gloves were shoes
All that really matters is me and you
Brotherhood and sisterhood is a bond worth gold
Unity and equality is a treasure untold
But do we really treasure these priceless gems
Or smuggle them away in the pockets of sin
The unity of a community is a beautiful sight
Nobody is the same but we have the same plight
Why is it that when it comes to material things
We separate from each other like dividends
I don’t want the money
You can keep the diamonds and rings
But can we stop the violence
Make the communities safe again
Can we all just be one big family?
I remember my parents said that’s how it use to be
But as the new generations grow up and get old
It seem like we forget what we were taught and told
I can’t speak for others only myself
If I could change this one thing I wouldn’t need for nothing else
The impact that one close community could have
Would make everything better and the good moments last
More smiles on kids faces
More A’s in the books
Bright futures up ahead
Contentment wherever we look
This is what I see
And if I could make this be
I could rest my weary head
With all my worries put to bed