Unfinished Perfection

Wed, 03/26/2014 - 10:39 -- CCBraun

America was built on freedom and equality

Yet we seem to preach more than practice

We like to create the imagery of perfection

Then we decide not to finish the picture

Creating a coloring book with unfilled lines


Change I wish for in our society

I wish for no judgment based on the pigment of one’s skin

That there was no title over race and color

For America to discover the true meaning of equality

I want the book to the have filled lines


We’ve fought so many battles

Lost so many lives

To gain the title land of the free

Yet half our people aren’t granted the opportunities set in their minds

Doubt and disappointment is what we provide


So close, yet so far describes us imperfectly

Our standards on equality started so low

But motivations like I have a dream pushed us for something more

It took a king for us to start to change our mistakes

Yet our progress can only be taken at a slow rate


Stereotypical thoughts are still present in our minds

One’s speech and dress can categorize them for life

Vibrating bass from speakers is somehow associated with crime

With our eyes we create judgment on the unknown in our lives

Yet we pretend that’s we are perfect and everything’s alright


My wish is that we stop pretending

That we take the action to complete the change

To finally fill in the lines of our society

We will always make mistakes

It’s when we repeat them that we really commit the crime 


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