


As does a spark cause a mighty blaze,

And a slip proves suicidal,

Howsoever careful a person maybe

Nature is harsh and unforgiving,

Aware, I do not mess up with nature,

I cannot face ruin.


Appropriate words

Are the key to a proper understanding,

Patience protects intentions and resolves,

Perseverance pays rich dividends,

Hard work always leads to success.

Purpose defines truthfulness

Truth is the finality fervently sought.


Truth or untruth

Cannot be verified, cannot be the other,

Realize the truth,

If truth is not the truth, it is an untruth;

Untruth does not exist.

A thoughtless person is never a doer,

A doer does not hesitate.


I know

Small things add up and grow,

They gain strength and prestige,

We are as we will ourselves to be

Our thoughts give us shape and aim,

We await the outcome of our efforts,

All expectations intoxicate.


This poem is about: 
Our world



This is amazingly well written, as a reader I was interested from the first line! :) 

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