I am Unconsciously Apologetic.
For my heavily melanin skin.
For my intelligence.
For my stutter.
For my awkwardness.
For my southern accent.
For my choice to give manifest to God.
For my sensitive soul.
For my tender heart.
For my anxious mind.
For accepting my imperfections as the world silenty disagree with my fondness.
For being mature than most in my generation.
For not participating in belittling and judging others as society brands each forehead.
For being "too" nice.
For my loud thoughts and silent voice.
For my stretch marks.
For my big eyes.
For my frustration aganist injustice.
For my queer moments.
For wheezing when I laugh hard.
For my bright smile and slighty crooked teeth.
For caring too much.
For having a open heart.
For loving too hard.
For never giving up on my purpose in life.
For never giving up on myself.
And foremost of all...
For being Unconsciously Apologectic.