The Unconditional Idiot

You are misused and abused,
Letting them treat you,
However they want to,
Too willing to fix their stone cold souls,
Letting them manipulate your fragile and tender bones,
frustrated and ostracized seeming to stand alone,
Within the sort of place you had once called a comfortable home,
They can't feel pain as much as you do,
Continually hurting their dolls for voodoo,
Doesn't matter what you did or will do for them,
None of your effort ever matters in the end,
Because they didn't need a friend,
They needed a servant instead,
That's why you're currently losing your head,
You've lost and been presented the guillotine,
Giving your life loyally for their wrongful deeds,
Now lay dead and dismantled
You might as well be broken furniture,
Used and then thrown away then replaced with another
Its sad but its true,
And though you know what they'll do,
You still stay their fool no matter how cruel
they are to you

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