Uncertainty Principle
Heisenberg is an archetype of me in seventh Heaven’s Xanadu
Where my glimpse of wavelengths accouchement quantum leap
Savouring life in the bod of a connoisseuse
Amid boundless kahunas in the realm of quiver and cryptic lumen
In empyrean astral anum and continuum of special relativity theory
My bosom relishes the handsome glow intimacy
Inside phenomenal Seyfert galaxy
Diurnally, Duende oom from gazillions of light-years
Fornax wit, Orion optics, and ultraviolet earthshine tout me.
Myriad of visceral mind’s eye theatricals
Descry luxuriate my heart through osmosis to amorous entanglement
Certainly, he is my moon and sun, beyond insight and sea point
Cruising git-go and omega the entire sleep time
Radix of my soft spot and nursle in lofty awe
Simply kosher for ante in closed eyes of cherry-picked time
For therapeutic rousedness and omphalos to my kaizen
Spring of dulcet in Universe’s spells and nature’s stardust
Moisten to the hilt of the cast of desires in true dynamics.
Creative conduct completely conditioned me an ignited love
Ticking oppidan Xanadu
I err by the clock into oblivion
An aha moment by a flash
seriatim of spatial dimensions
In ecstatic vibration, he converges with me
In simile to a preterm infant under a kangaroo mother care
My body tots to pivotal celerity of the universal order
Open light in immaculate whispering psychophysiological alignment.
In phantasm, my heart finds time in the flower of meaning
Tender persistence and intense expression of pleasure
Deep conjure of equanimity and beseeching realms of treasure
My three-tier sight in appetency homeostatic impulse
He recalibrates my dossier of axioms and souvenirs
Beyond expression, my aptitude clue me to quandary remodeling
Quantum paired particles of my thaumaturgic iffy swevens
For love in clockwork twin of mysteries, I would tour Xanadu
In requiescence with him zero hour to coalesce.