Don't tell me it will be alright.
That is something that neither of us know.
Yes, I have a past-and a challenging one at that-
But this is where I'll find my path.
A turning point in any life is a midnight drive in a new place
With no GPS- the tool our nation has become so accustomed to.
You may end up in a dark, dead land-
Broken, bruised, and filled with self-hatred.
Although, you may end up in a shining kingdom,
where love fuels your cars.
The uncertainty of what may happen is terrifying,
But it doesn't matter that I'm scared.
All that matters is that I'm here
Ready to face whatever comes my way.
In the worst we have to choose to
Stand and fight, or sit and lose
Against this new world of unfamiliarity.
I choose to make my own fate because this life is mine to live.
I choose to live my own way
And to ignore how the game says that I should play.
This turning point is inevitable, so I will make the best of it.
Don't follow this example,
Rather, follow your heart because that is the GPS you really need.
That will lead you to where you need to be.