Two Zero One Six

two zero one six

four little numbers that strunG together create three hundred and sixty five days of memories

oveR the course of this time, i have learned about myself more than anything

struggling with health for the first six months taught me to persevere through

the fatigue

                                the worry

                                                                                the doubt

my grades may have faltered slightly but i came back emOtionally stronger than before

i enjoyed a summer full of adventures and memories with friends and family

as the days greW cooler and summer nights turned to fall

my senior year became not just a thing in the future but


juggling hours and hours and hours of dance rehearsal and

                school work and

                                                                friendships and


was difficult for the next four months but i persevered just like all those months before

Through that year i learned many important things

but most of all i learned How valuable a thing like time is



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