The Two Sides of Beauty: Love and Vanity
I haven't found beauty----I found beauty
It isn't in a diamond----It drips off my mascara
It isn't in a flower----It colors my lips
Maybe it's in your eyes----Maybe only some are born with it
I wonder where it is----I wonder where it came from
I haven't found it in music----I found it in the salon
I haven't found it in dance----I found it in my bling
Maybe it's in your smile----Maybe I was born with it
People say it's easy to see----People say it's hard to see
Easy to find----Hard to find
Easy to notice----Hard to notice
But I know the truth----But I know the truth
I saw it the other day----I saw it in the mirror
It winked at me----I winked at it
It smiled at me----I smiled at it
No, true beauty isn't in a diamond----No, true beauty isn't in a plain face
It's in you----It's in me