Turmoil-- Just Beyond
Just beyond the hinge,
I lose myself
In thought, in a power,
higher, deeper and intense,
more than I can eve attain
I grow wary of the tainted,
materialistic necessities and begin-
begin again. I experience, and mold;
into the person, just beyond my reach.
I glance, peripherally, yet it vanishes
as fast as it appeared.
I am unhinged.
Completely. It consumes my entire being,
it takes over everything I have stood for,
all that has been rooted within me, and
I succumb to its power. Yet, paradise
stands not far away, taunting, unsatisfactory.
The web of lies have been spun,
and I, the fly, have fallen into its trap.
I am done. I can't. Not anymore.
The light isn't a light. It is more a sugestion.
A lean in the path of all that is right-- all that is moral.
Or so I believe-- believed. I contemplate the offer,
internally a turmoil comences. The war has began.
Dishonourable discharge or to abscond. The choice is impossible.
Dismayed and broken, I give in. Not worth it,
or so I thought.
The door still remains ajar.
I go through.