Trying "my" best

Proverbs 23:12 

12 Apply your heart to instruction

and your ears to the words of knowledge.


Trying my best


When all understanding is fully known

at the time ... that is set aside

We'll know the things ... we think we know

are  incomplete and hidden through pride


You taught me more than principles

of electricity and it's standard ways

You gave me a look into myself

to approach responsibility day to day


For trying hard and being sincere

to understand without a basic foundation

Is like living your life in future planned

stepping out common-sense's regulation


So even now when analyzing the past week

and to understand the trends ...  I've seen

The same principles in electricity and life to peak

you  have to start where zero is clean


Here and there you do things right

without full understanding

Even with confidence ... at times bright

makes false pretense kind of demanding


But deep inside you feel the lack

of ingredients still missing

Know your  "basics" ...  keep on track

that voice inside is pressing


“Don't think of self too highly”

is what the bible says

And at invitation to a feast

don't take the seat of an honored guest


To be assembled with a group

is not all...  it takes to belong

for to a craftsman basic understanding is dear

and though sincere ... you can be sincerely wrong.


You rated me ... between average and fair

to me a compliment indeed

For after the first day I felt total despair

and just to survive appeared kind of neat


It got better and better from day to day

until the last day and that test

I approached like  a game to play

and you now know ... the rest


The point that you so diligently taught

understand the process ... before you start

Is the point in the test ... I took to naught

Not to read questions ... to know all parts


Jan Wienen

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