Truth being told sometimes is unforgotten but Is common to me And right about now I'd absolutely say my life is permanently full of so much distortion No plug-ins,no mixers,no profession equipment to change any portion Now if this wasn't me i would say that's very fortune Like life that's is being given cycled over as a gift then is taken away suctioned out i call that abortion Or a child that is not being give that rights to separate from there mother and take a ride with people they don't know but witch is made by state to improve some predicaments but sometimes in the wrong but all that is being done for that child's separation is forcing u can ask my mother About both of them examples Now i look around a lot of u look puzzled From being taken away from her mother and the so many miscarriage and the baby that she couldn't fancily support so if we were talking about dogs they be put don't but we talking about humans so they were unforgettably killed Like i said before Vicious nature cycles i spit unpredictable as New born Now u can call me a seem-tress Cuss my life is stitched of multiple story's but is very torn Coming from parents that's parents parents are all foregone |