In soliloquous fashion, I conspire thusly-
"Do I deserve such funding? Should this company trust me
to make use of freely their scholarly finance,
unconcerned I may squander such limited chance
to exceed, to excel, and acheive a degree-
a concept so strikingly foreign to me?"
"Of course not," I answer, in cynical thought,
"if you've performed poorly, then to continue you'd ought.
It makes little sense that you'd think you're worthy
of such a reward- a gratuitious earning."
"It's downbeat. It's sad," I reflect on this stanza-
my confidence, once again, overcome with submission
to negative thought, cynicism, doubt,
resulting in a serious creative drought.
Personally, I despise this deconstructive attitude-
so maybe I should strive to limit the latitude
which I currently extend to such schools of thought,
so that, finally, untrustworthy- to myself-
I would prove not.