True Patriotism
My heart bleeds tears of sorrow for lives lost unexpectedly on a momentous Patriots Day, Bombs burst loudly sending innocent lives to heavens gate...
Three were the casualties along with many others who's lives shall never be the same, all this in a time when accomplishments were one of the reason they had tried to cross that finish line...
My eyes have leaked tears for all of them innocent lives as I have viewed the media coverage from time to time...
For it shall be a matter of time before all responsible they themselves shall meet their own demise...
Like cowards they hide thinking it was great in the eyes of what ever God they pray to, little do they know our God will have the last word for the evil you have brought us to...
Sleep well in the arms of God to Martin the youngest of three, born eight years ago to pass away awaiting his fathers arms at the finish line, where he awaited him...
And just like that old timer who fell and three of Boston's Finest were there to serve and protect him, I know God shall send Angels descending from above to help serve and capture these cowards where ever they are hiding...
For some reason anger has not gotten the best of me, maybe because these tears that have poured from my eyes has extinguished the flames burning deep inside of me...
But I lay my faith in Gods hands and know he shall fight our battles and allow the innocents to win this war, against all this evil terrorism that keeps knocking on Americas door...
In Memory of Boston Marathon