A True Hero


United States
35° 52' 50.6568" N, 86° 19' 2.6112" W

He who walks on as his body decays.
Death consumes him, yet never he strays.
The hero's path he walks.

Proud red and gold fade to gray.
Dusky ash spreads from dissolving wings.
Brilliant light consumed by inner darkness.
The sins of his people, his land, his own human heart;
All tear at his molten core.
Flames of heroism burn at his insides.

Why would one who has sacrificed everything
Continue to fight for good?
Why would one choose to follow such a miserable path?

“For I am a fool
Who forever looks to the sky.
Wings stripped away;
Torn to ribbons, feathers destroyed.
Still I aspire to greater heights.
Let my words rise higher
To where I cannot reach.
Even as my body crumbles around me,
I walk my chosen path.
Staggering, stumbling, crawling blindly;
I never hesitate for long.
Let me live a fool.
Let me die a hero,
If only in my own mind.”


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